A lost pet is a frightening situation with often devastating consequences. Studies have shown more than 10 million pets get lost each year and approximately 90 percent of those found would not have been returned to their owners without some form of permanent pet identification.
It is incredibly beneficial to have your pet microchipped. A microchip is an easily implanted chip about the size of a grain of rice that holds a code that can be referenced on the website of the manufacturer of the chip. That code will correspond with all of the pertinent information for your pet. The pet’s name, address, your phone number, etc will all be available to any vet or animal control officer who finds your pet. This makes getting your lost pet back much easier and much more likely.
The Dakota Veterinary Center can implant a small microchip in your pet to permanently identify your pet in case they ever are lost or missing. This is important in cats as well, since most indoor cats do not wear identification and can easily sneak outside. Please call us at (941) 421-0020 for more information