Even though there have been numerous awareness campaigns and even scandals regarding pet food, most owners continue to purchase and feed unsafe commercial food to their loyal companions.

Due to the number of conditions resulted from regular consumption of unhealthy food, some owners have started wondering whether they should reconsider their pet’s diet altogether.

In case you are concerned about your dog or cat’s health, then the first step entails eliminating processed treats and food from its diet. While it can’t be done overnight and you still have to give it solid, protein-rich food, it wouldn’t hurt to attempt feeding your pet fresh, flavorful and nutrient-rich foods. Since it’s autumn, here are some ideas of delicious and nutritious fruits your pet could benefit from.


Persimmons are small orange fruits known for their high content of antioxidants, including vitamin A, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene. All of these compounds act as protective shields against oxygen-derived free radicals. Moreover, they delay aging and prevent various diseases associated with it. These fruits are relatively low in calories and rich in fibers. How much persimmon you should feed your pet depends on its size; while for a cat or a little dog a small slice is enough, a larger dog breed could eat the entire fruit, providing it likes the taste.


Incorporating ellagitannin compounds but no fats, pomegranates help to maintain your pet’s heart and circulatory system. These fruits are highly recommended because they effectively reduce heart disease risk factors. Since your pet is very unlikely to drink the juice, a suggestion would be to remove the seeds and chop up the fruit’s flesh into a bowl, where you mix it with regular food.


Despite the fact that apples are not as popular as the other two aforementioned fruits, they contain a lot of fibers that absorb bad cholesterol and dietary LDL. The fibers also protect the colon’s mucous from the exposure to the numerous toxins found in commercial food. Some studies even suggest that it helps bind cancer-causing chemicals inside the colon. The best ways to feed apples to your pet include chopping it into little piece and adding it as moisture to dry food.

Safety precautions to remember

Keep in mind that not all fruits are good for your pet and it is well known that raisins, grapes or currants can have devastating effects on their kidneys. At the same time, it is best to avoid giving it dried fruits because they contain a lot of sugar and preservatives like sulfur dioxide, for instance. To avoid getting your cat or dog sick, remember to always do a bit of research before feeding your pet a fruit diet.

Before you feed them to your pet, remember to wash the fruits thoroughly to remove debris as well as potentially harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. To convince your furry friend to eat fruits, it is best to start with very tiny portions, preferably the size of a quarter. In case your pet doesn’t present any interest in a certain fruit, then don’t dwell on it. Instead, try giving it another seasonal fruit that is good for its health!